
Showing posts from March, 2022

QuasiTV 1.4.0

QuasiTV has finally been updated to support plex's newer tv show agent.  Premade channels previously would only use the "studio" field, which in the new agent was changed to contain the production studio instead of the actual tv network.  This made the auto channel generation not very useful.  1.4 will now retrieve each show's actual network from plex (if using the new agent) and use that for channel generation instead.  For those users wanting to regenerate their channels, go to the settings -> setup (not login) to rerun all the initial channel creation.  If you do have custom channels named after actual networks, I recommend either deleting or renaming them as it might conflict with the auto channel generation. Server selection is also now supported.  If more than one server is associated with your plex or emby connect account, you will be prompted to choose a specific server like in the image below. QuasiTV 1.4.0 (2022-03-29): Added server selection f...

QuasiTV 1.3.x

I forgot to post about the 1.3.x updates.  It's mostly bugfixes.   QuasiTV 1.3.0 (2021-12-07): Updated dependencies. exoplayer to 2.16.1 Added 'Shuffle Show/Movie Order' and 'Ignore Specials' to channel scheduler rules Improved padding when editing channel scheduler rules  Fixed issue where episode description is blank in channel guide Fixed scheduling setting max consecutive shows to 1 QuasiTV 1.3.1 (2021-12-28): Fixed episodes/movie descriptions for Jellyfin/Emby servers Work on 1.4 has began which will contain a server selection UI for users to choose from multiple plex/emby connect servers associated with their account.  I also have a plan to support plex's never tv agent with the premade channel generation.  Plex has still not exposed the "network" field, but I do believe I can leverage their "network" filtering apis to determine the actual network of each show.