QuasiTV 2.4.0
I went through and updated all the dependencies QuasiTV uses. The 2 important updates would be the google play billing library (google now requires all updates to be using billing 7.0.0 or newer), and updating exoplayer to 1.4.0. Here is a blog from google about the 1.4.0 update: https://medium.com/google-exoplayer/media3-1-4-0-whats-new-ba1c9c17ee1a Full release notes posted here: https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/release/RELEASENOTES.md QuasiTV 2.4.0 (2024-08-06): Updated appcompat to 1.7.0 Updated exoplayer to 1.4.0 Updated billing library to 7.0.0 Updated fragment library to 1.8.2 Updated ktx core to 1.13.1 Updated lifecycle lib to 2.8.4 Update is now live on google play and amazon app store