QuasiTV 2.5.0
QuasiTV 2.5.0 (2024-11-26): Added option to import channels using direct ip:port of quasitv instance instead of relying on multicast Updated media3 exoplayer to 1.5.0 Updated web admin flutter version and dependencies Here are the changes in the exoplayer update: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/releases/media3#1.5.0 I get a lot of requests from people for the apk of QuasiTV so they can sideload it on their tablet or phone so I decided to make on available here . Keep in mind sideloading the apk is not supported by myself so please do not email about issues when doing so. QuasiTV was not designed for non TV user interfaces and no official support for touchscreens. Use at your own risk.