
Showing posts from 2024

QuasiTV 2.3.0

 2.3.0 adds the ability to customize the controls on your remote, allowing you to rebind: Up, Down, Left, Right, Center, Play, Pause, Play/Pause, Channel Up and Channel Down.  These options are under Settings -> Controls QuasiTV 2.3.0 (2024-04-11): Added ability to customize controls Added option to turn off showing player controls after changing channels Added keyboard binding for next/previous channel (W/S) Updated exoplayer to media3 1.3.0 Updated other dependencies Shuffle show/movie order should be a bit more evenly distributed in what shows/movies are selected Fixed issue with web admin search bar not enabling when there are movies but no tv shows Fixed profile placeholder image not showing correctly sometimes Previous 2.2.x Changelogs: 2.2.1 (2024-02-17): Fixed side menu navigation on older devices when some items are hidden Improved importing channels from other QuasiTV clients on more complex local network setups 2.2.3 (2024-02-28): Improved syncing error handling and statu

QuasiTV 2.2.0

 All of QuasiTV's dependencies have been updated including a fairly large update to exoplayer, which moved it from the deprecated standalone exoplayer project (2.19.1) , into the exoplayer included in the official Android Jetpack Media3 library (1.2.1) . Also included is the ability to force a sync with your plex/emby/jellyfin server instead of waiting for it to happen naturally (every 2 hours or so).  The option is present in the in app settings and also in the web ui settings. Finally there is an improved way to search for content to add to your channels.  The web ui search now has a "Bulk Search" option that lets you enter multiple shows, one on each line.  The search results will then show all matches for each show.  This makes it easy to add multiple shows to a channel at the same time. Update has been uploaded to both google play and amazon and are just waiting for approval. QuasiTV 2.2.0 (2024-02-10): Updated playback engine to exoplayer from androidx media3 1.2.1