QuasiTV 0.2

0.2 allows you to put some limits on channel creation.  A minimum show limit can be set which will only create channels for networks with at least this many shows.  There is also a maximum limit that will split a channel into multiple if the network has more than the max limit of shows.  The screenshot below shows how the split channels look.

I am not going to push this to google play until 0.1 gets approved for android tv, so for now 0.2 can be downloaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/n4aegm3qno7rwlf/quasitv-0.2.apk/file

Changelog 0.2:

-Fixed thumbnails not showing up
-Added 3 dot menu on player controls to open up the initial setup UI
-Added ability to recreate channels
-Added min and max show per channel option when doing the initial channel creation


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