QuasiTV Early Access 0.1 Available

QuasiTV creates live channels based off content from your Plex Library.

Channels are currently auto generated using the "Studio" associated with the TV show. Shows are scheduled in episode order in blocks of 1 to 4 episodes. Each channel will maintain a 24 hour schedule that updates every 15 minutes.

Currently only direct play on the local network is supported and content must be accessible via standard http.

-Press 'Up' to open channel browser
-Press 'Down' to show player controls

The app is live on google play but is not yet approved for Android TV so I also uploaded the apk to download.

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gonemad.quasi.tv
APK Download: www.mediafire.com/file/2ksttpqqvxunzxm/quasitv-0.1.apk/file

There is an issue with 0.1 that prevents the thumbnails from loading but the rest of the app should work fine.


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